CELEP Documents (page 17)

CELEP Update April 2018

The CELEP UPDATE for April 2018 reports on past, ongoing and planned activities of the CELEP Focal Point at VSF–Belgium and the Regional Focal Point at RECONCILE in Kenya. This 5-page issue includes, among other things, information about recent conferences, the CELEP learning visit on smallholder and pastoral dairying that took place in Kenya, advocacy […]

Kenyan dairy-sector learning tour

In late March 2018, CELEP – in collaboration with Oxfam – organised a learning tour on small-scale dairying in Kenya for a delegation from three West African countries: Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. CELEP has already been active on this topic, including holding a roundtable session on pastoralism and dairying in the European Parliament during […]

CELEP holds EC lunchtime conference on pastoralism & conflict

“Pastoralism and conflict resolution in Eastern Africa” was the focus of a lunchtime conference organised by CELEP and VSF Belgium on 9 November 2017 at the External Cooperation InfoPoint of the European Commission (EC). The aim was to give deeper insight into the underlying causes of conflict in pastoralist areas in Kenya, South Sudan and […]

European Parliament: On the milky way to development

A roundtable discussion was held on 7 November 2017 in the European Parliament upon invitation by the Member of European Parliament (MEP) Norbert Neuser, S&D (Socialists and Democrats) Coordinator for Development, to exchange views on pastoralism, food security, trade and investment, with a particular focus on dairy development. Information and views were provided by participants […]

CELEP 2017 annual meeting in Brussels, Belgium

The 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) was organised by VSF-Belgium on 8–9 November 2017 at the Funkey Hotel in Brussels, Belgium. Participants came from pastoralist and support organisations in Belgium, Ethiopia, Germany, Ireland, Kenya, Netherlands, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The agenda included […]

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