CELEP Documents (page 16)

CELEP pre-Tropentag workshop on values of pastoralism

On 17 September 2018 at 10h–12h at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium), CELEP will organise a pre-Tropentag workshop on values of pastoralism. Pastoralism makes an important contribution to food production, food security and nutrition. However, its potential is constrained by numerous factors, the major ones being alienation of pastoral resources and the structural political marginalisation of pastoralists. […]

CELEP Update June 2018

The CELEP Update June 2018 reports on past, ongoing and planned activities of the CELEP European Focal Point at VSF–Belgium and the Regional Focal Point at RECONCILE in Kenya. This 4-page issue includes, among other things, information about recent events in which CELEP was involved such as the European Development Days and the launch of the […]

Battling women’s double marginalisation in pastoral societies

While pastoralists have become increasingly vocal at global level, pastoralist women are still insufficiently heard despite their key role in value-chain development and in dealing with climate change, food insecurity and inadequate land rights. Pastoralist women are often disadvantaged by limitations they face within their own societies, and their participation in decision- and policy-making is […]

How Europe could support pastoral dairying in Eastern Africa

Most pastoral development interventions focus on meat production. Greater emphasis on dairying could improve human nutrition in the drylands and strengthen pastoralist women’s role as traditional managers of milk and innovators in dairy marketing. The CELEP brief “Pastoral dairying in Eastern Africa: how could Europe support it?” (2018, 6pp) reviews documents about dairy development in the […]

Report on CELEP activities in 2017

CELEP’s annual activity report for 2017 covers the various lobbying activities in which the Coalition was involved, concerning – among other things – the New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition, LAPSSET, Biocultural Community Protocols and various contacts with the European Commission and Members of the European Parliament. It also describes several networking activities, such […]

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