CELEP Documents (page 15)

Pastoralism at crossroads: report from Youth Summit in Brussels

Emmanuel (Teba) Tebanyana, CELEP partner from the Karamoja Development Forum (KDF) in Uganda, was invited to speak on behalf of pastoralist youth at the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Africa Week held in Brussels, Belgium, in early November 2018. He took part in the Africa–Europe Youth Summit on the theme “Same Challenges, Equal Partnership, One Fight: […]

CELEP Update October 2018

The CELEP Update October 2018 reports on past, ongoing and planned activities of the CELEP European Focal Point at VSF–Belgium and the Eastern African Focal Point at RECONCILE in Kenya. This 4-page issue includes, among other things, information about recent events in which CELEP was or is involved such as the Tropentag conference in Ghent, […]

Pastoral dairy development in Eastern Africa

CELEP members and partners contributed a poster, abstract and 4-page paper on “Pastoral dairy development for food security and food safety in Eastern Africa: challenges and potentials” to the Tropentag Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource 
Management and Rural Development held on 17–19 September 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. In order to inform […]

“Values of pastoralism, with a focus on Eastern Africa” – open discussion briefing

At this year’s Tropentag conference in Ghent, CELEP had the opportunity to lead an open discussion about the values of pastoralism with a focus on Eastern Africa. The four members of the panel were : Dr Brigitte Kaufmann: Professor for Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land-use Systems at the University of Hohenheim. Dr Ann […]

CELEP background reader on pastoralism

CELEP partners compiled some key information about pastoralism – above all in Eastern Africa – as background information to use in policy dialogue, especially in Europe. The “background reader on pastoralism” (2015, 10pp) brings facts and figures about the significant contribution of pastoralism to economic growth, highlights some key challenges and opportunities for pastoralists, informs […]

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