CELEP Documents (page 23)

The (forgotten) value of pastoralism

The 2-page information sheet on “The (forgotten) value of pastoralism“, with recommendations to the European Union, was compiled by Inge Barmentlo, CELEP focal point at Cordaid, in 2011.

CELEP 2014 annual meeting in Aachen, Germany

The 2014 annual meeting of CELEP, hosted by Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF)–Germany, was held on 23–25 September at the headquarters of the organisation for development cooperation Misereor in Aachen, Germany. Several European members and Eastern African partners attended. Activities and accomplishments in 2013/14 in Europe and in Eastern Africa were discussed and opportunities for actions […]

Land grabbing in Africa: what is it all about?

Land is central to the livelihoods, culture and identity for millions of people across the developing world. But there is growing concern that people’s connection to their land is being undermined. Over the past few years, large-scale acquisitions of farmland in Africa have made headlines in media reports across the world. Lands that only a […]

Livestock keeping in African drylands: flyer

Developed by CELEP and FoodFirst, a 2-page flyer on pastoralism in the African drylands: facts and potentials, policy shifts and pastoralists’ added value. Did you know?  Over 90% of meat consumed in East Africa comes from pastoral herds.  The pastoralism sector is estimated to be worth US$800 million in Kenya alone. …..

Developing EC strategy regarding African pastoralism

CELEP reports to the European Commission (EC) on progress in developing an EC strategy for pastoralism in Africa. See letter of Sept 2012: CELEP progress in developing EC pastoralism strategy Sept 2012.

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