CELEP Documents (page 22)
Pastoralism: a media handbook for Uganda
In early 2015, the CELEP partner organisation COPASCO (Coalition of Pastoralist Civil Society Organisations) brought out a media handbook on Pastoralism (24 pp). It is meant to provide a quick reference guide that can be used by journalists and other media practitioners to help influence perceptions, policy and practice related to pastoralism among Ugandan policymakers and […]
CELEP Voices&Views on capacity4dev.eu: Pastoralism & conflict
The CELEP focal points in Europe and Eastern Africa, Koen Van Troos and Peter Ken Otieno, collaborated with the pastoralism focal point in the European Commission, Roberto Aparicio-Martin, in contributing to Voices & Views on capacity4dev.eu (Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid). Their article on pastoralism and conflict can be found here. For further information on […]
CELEP update November 2014
The CELEP update for November 2014 reports on EU advocacy activities in the past three months, the highlights of the CELEP Annual Meeting in September 2014, the CELEP presentation made by VSF-B in Mali in October 2014 and activities currently underway.
Women pastoralists’ empowerment
CELEP collaborated with WISP (World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism), IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) in bringing out a briefing note (4pp) on Women pastoralists’ empowerment: supporting positive change. Examples come from around the world, including Eastern Africa, of how pastoral women regard their own empowerment and how this […]
Pastoralism & conflict: perspectives from Eastern Africa
On 22 September 2014, CELEP and the External Cooperation Infopoint of the European Commission co-organised a lunch conference on pastoralism and conflict. Pastoralism is at the crossroads of many global issues such as land tenure, climate change, and food and nutritional security. Examples of challenges and success stories in managing emerging conflicts related to these issues […]