Integrated nomadic education in dryland Kenya

A framework for improved integrated education provision in the drylands of Kenya has been developed by DLCI (Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative). It is based on a literature review and consultations with key informants on the current status of education in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kenya and what is working in other dryland areas of the world. It argues that the standard model for education delivery is failing across all the ASAL counties in Kenya and that there is need for a radical rethink about providing education in these areas. A huge effort by national and county-level governments, NGOs and donors is needed. Education accounts for less than 1% of donor investment in the Kenyan ASALs, despite many studies underlining its important contribution in promoting resilience of pastoralist communities. The framework also highlights the need to empower and resource the recently established National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya (NACONEK). The 7-page summary can be found here and the full report (42pp) can be found here. In December 2015, the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group in Kenya brought out a media brief Illiteracy-free Kenya: Operation take the school to the people, with recommendations about education in the ASALS, largely based on this study.

Posted on 14 July 2015 in Pastoralism & Services