IGC/IRC 2021 papers on pastoralism, gender & policy issues in Eastern Africa

At the combined International Grassland & Rangeland Congress (IGC/IRC) held in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2021, several papers about work in pastoral areas of Eastern Africa were presented in the session on “Pastoralism, social, gender & policy issues”:

  • Social differentiation in (agro)pastoral climate change adaptation: intersectional perspectives on socio-technical change in Kenya and Burkina Faso, by Todd Crane et al
  • Women’s empowerment for demographic issues and conflicts in African pastoralist societies, by M Cevallos & Pablo Manzano, referring to studies in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel
  • Priority areas for action and research on pastoralism and rangelands in Eastern Africa, by Michael Odhiambo
  • Climate change policy narratives and pastoralist predicaments in the Horn of Africa: insights from Ethiopia and Kenya, by Tom Campbell
  • Large-scale land investments and food security in agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia, by Adugna Enetew et al

These and other papers from the session can be found here.

Posted on 29 July 2022 in News, Pastoralism, Gender & Youth, Pastoralism, Policy & Power