CELEP member IWGIA (International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs) issued an informal Briefing report that summarises the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) lobbying process related to the human rights of pastoralists and hunter-gatherers in Tanzania. This was the first time Tanzania was reviewed by the UN Human Rights Council. The CELEP coordinating member Cordaid facilitated participation of pastoralist representatives at the UPR meeting in Geneva in October 2011. Members of the stakeholder coalition of pastoralists and hunter-gatherers have since held several meetings with civil society organisations in Tanzania and with the Tanzanian Government in an effort to lobby the government to accept the recommendations of the UPR. The coalition also prepared a shadow report related to the examination of Tanzania under the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights that will take place in November 2012. The style and structure of the draft report on the UPR makes it not easy to read, but the process is very important to achieve tangible results in improving the situation for pastoralists and other marginalised peoples.
Posted on 31 January 2012 in CELEP Documents