Making Rangelands Secure Bulletin 1 (July 2012)

The first quarterly bulletin on “Making Rangelands Secure in East and Horn of Africa” (July 2012) has been issued by the International Land Coalition (ILC). It brings news on, among other things, the “learning route” from Nairobi to Arusha in February 2012, the National Workshop on Pastoral Development held in Ethiopia in March 2012 and the launch of the Pasture and Rangeland Forum Ethiopia (PaRFE) in April 2012. It includes articles on lessons learnt about protecting livestock marketing routes, with examples from Niger and Sudan, and implications for East and Horn of Africa; on experiences with Village Land Use Planning (VLUP) in the rangelands of Tanzania; and on what the new Kenyan Constitution will mean for tenure security in the rangelands. The partner organisation profiled in this issue is RECONCILE (Resource Conflict Institute) based in Kenya. Further documents on land tenure in the rangelands can be found in the Land Portal.

Posted on 25 August 2012 in News, Pastoralism & Marketing, Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralism, Policy & Power