A roundtable discussion was held on 7 November 2017 in the European Parliament upon invitation by the Member of European Parliament (MEP) Norbert Neuser, S&D (Socialists and Democrats) Coordinator for Development, to exchange views on pastoralism, food security, trade and investment, with a particular focus on dairy development.
Information and views were provided by participants from pastoralist and pastoralist support organisations in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda; researchers from Europe and Africa; MEPs; staff from the European Commission; European milk producers (e.g. from the European Milk Board); and rural development agencies such as GIZ (German Agency for International Development).
CELEP circulated a background document on the role of the European Union in support of pastoralist and smallholder dairy farming in (Eastern) Africa.
Posted on 14 November 2017 in CELEP Documents, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition