EC InfoPoint: Moving herds, changing paradigms

On 11 October 2016, CELEP organised a lunchtime conference at the External Cooperation InfoPoint of the European Commission (EC) in Brussels to draw attention to the importance of mobile pastoralism. This is increasingly under threat in many African countries because of changes in land use and management, climate change and conflict. At the same time, pastoralists are developing ingenious ways to cope with old and new challenges.

During the lunchtime conference “Moving herds, changing paradigms – about pastoralism in East Africa”, some hands-on experiences of dealing with these challenges were presented by civil-society representatives from Eastern Africa. The introduction was made by Bernard Rey, Deputy Head of Unit, DEVCO C1 – Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition. Presentations were made by

For web-streaming, see

Posted on 18 December 2016 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure