Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn

This is the fourth and final issue of the REGLAP annual journal Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn of Africa on innovations in policy and practice from the ECHO Drought Risk Reduction Action Plan partners and beyond. It includes articles on: Kenya–Ethiopia crossborder mobility; natural resource governance in Garbatulla, Kenya; community conflict resolution on the Uganda–Kenya border; Holistic Rangeland Management, Community-Based Resilience Analysis (COBRA) and community-based adaptation and climate information in Kenya; service delivery in pastoralist areas; commercial destocking in Ethiopia; Community Animal Health Workers in Kenya; Alternative Basic Education in Karamoja, Uganda; irrigating Kenya’s drylands; engaging with extractive industries; and knowledge management for dryland development. The full journal can be found here:  www.disasterriskreduction.net/fileadmin/user_upload/drought/docs/REGLAP%20Journal%204_FINAL.pdf

Posted on 8 June 2014 in Pastoralism & Climate Change, Pastoralism & Extractives, Pastoralism & Marketing, Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism & Peacebuilding, Pastoralism & Services, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure