The report Changing climate, changing lives (2010) explores the implications of climate change for pastoralists and agropastoralists in Ethiopia and Mali. Pastoral households are finding it increasingly difficult to tackle current climate risks and meet their food and nutrition needs. Actors investing in climate change adaptation need to pay more attention to local-level changes in household response strategies and interhousehold support structures. Access to new knowledge, technology and financial resources is necessary but not sufficient to adjust livelihoods, as people’s responses, innovations and ability to adapt are often constrained by a range of structural and historical factors. The report shows how people perceive climate variability and other shocks, as well as which strategies they use to respond to these changes. It also explores the role of local institutions, both formal and informal, in determining what options people have to adapt. Drawing on local perceptions, policymakers will be better informed of climate-change impacts as felt on the ground, the challenges and opportunities that people face in adjusting their livelihoods, and what further assistance should be provided. Recommendations are given for NGOs, national governments and donors. The 50-page report was published by ACF, IDS and Tearfund.
Posted on 21 September 2014 in Pastoralism & Climate Change, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition