The Institute for Development Studies (IDS) coordinated research into “Changes in the drylands of Eastern Africa: implications for resilience-strengthening efforts” (2016) commissioned by the DFID East Africa Research Hub to collect and analyse detailed evidence of long-term changes in the drylands and implications for strengthening resilience of pastoral systems. The research covered Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. The aims were: I) to synthesise evidence on poverty, vulnerability, livelihoods and change in eastern Africa’s drylands; ii) to catalogue related national and subnational datasets; and iii) to identify evidence gaps and recommend future research. Over 400 scholarly and grey-literature reports were reviewed and over 100 datasets from the region were assessed. The main report details the overall findings of the evidence synthesis and mapping of datasets. A technical note provides in-depth findings of the research and the methodology used. A case_study_report assesses evidence and data of long-term change in five pastoral systems: the Somali zone of Ethiopia, the Borana Plateau in southern Ethiopia, the South Rift Valley in Kenya, the Karamoja region of Uganda and Bahr al Ghazal in South Sudan.
Posted on 1 May 2017 in Pastoral Research & Innovation, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition