Brief update on IYRP & regional support groups

On 10 November 2020, in a webinar organised by the Global Grassland Dialogue Platform, the CELEP member organisation Agrecol Association and CELEP representative in the International IYRP Support Group (ISG), presented an illustrated 3-minute update on the International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP).

Why an IYRP?
– To showcase important contributions of rangelands & pastoralists for food security and environment
– To increase worldwide understanding of complexities and values of rangelands & pastoral systems
– To inform policymaking at all levels

Process for approval as International Year

In October 2020, the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG) endorsed the Mongolian Government’s proposal for an IYRP in 2026. This proposal was supported by over 150 organisations and over 50 national governments.

The COAG acknowledged the importance of the IYRP initiative for the SDGs and the UN Decades of Family Farming (2019–28) and Ecosystem Restoration (2021–30).

Next hurdles in the UN process:
– FAO Council Dec 2020
– FAO Conference June 2021
– United Nations General Assembly Sept 2021

Regional IYRP Support Groups (RISGs)

The ISG is creating multi-stakeholder RISGs to:
– expand network of supporting organisations and governments in their regions
– work with Government of Mongolia and us to plan and implement IYRP activities in their regions.

Pastoralist organisations will have a central role in these activities

To help us promote and plan the IYRP, the ISG invites like-minded partners – such as Global Grassland Dialogue Platform members – to contribute to this initiative by:
– Promoting the IYRP in conferences & meetings and on social media
Contacting government officials in their countries to request their support for Mongolia’s proposal for an IYRP in 2026
– Joining an RISG to help plan and implement activities leading up to and during the IYRP in their countries / regions.

For further information
Promotional website: (highly visual)
– Archival website: (with all related documents)

Posted on 10 November 2020 in CELEP Documents, News