CELEP’s 2018 annual meeting in Brussels, Belgium

The 9th Annual General Meeting of CELEP’s European members and Eastern African partners was organised by VSF-Belgium on 28–30 November 2018 in the Funkey Hotel in Brussels. The report includes short self-descriptions by some participants; discussion of EU development policies in 2019, focused on the post-Cotonou agreement negotiations and possible entry points to favour pastoralism; and a brief account of the lunchtime conference on pastoral policy and research at the EU InfoPoint. Working groups planned activities related to i) education and digitalisation; ii) a global campaign on pastoral mobility, jointly with other NGOs and researchers; iii) lobbying activities in Ethiopia; and iv) general advocacy for pastoralism in Eastern Africa, including preparations for celebrating CELEP’s 10th anniversary.

Posted on 30 January 2019 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism, Policy & Power