CELEP Update November 2015

The CELEP update for November 2015 reports on past, ongoing and planned activities of the CELEP Focal Point at VSF-Belgium. Past activities included the pastoralism session, photo exhibit and CELEP info lunch at the Tropentag in Berlin, a meeting at the European Parliament, European launch of the book Valuing variability at the European Commission (all in September), the fact-finding mission of two Members of the European Parliament to Uganda and participation in the FAO Pastoralist Knowledge Hub meeting in Italy in October, and participation in the Extensive Livestock Expo and the SDC workshop on pastoralism in Kenya in November. Ongoing and planned activities include the pilot project on Participatory Range Management and the CELEP Annual Meeting on 25–27 November hosted by Cordaid and AgriProFocus in The Hague.

Posted on 21 November 2015 in CELEP Documents, News