CELEP in Kenya in November 2015

On 4-6 November 2015, the first Expo in Kenya on Extensive Livestock Systems “Herding for the Markets” was held at the Kebete campus of the University of Nairobi. At their Expo stand, CELEP member AgriProFocus (Netherlands) and CELEP partner RECONCILE (East Africa) – both part of the Expo organising committee – displayed an exhibition of CELEP photographs on pastoralism in Eastern Africa. At the conference during the Expo, Wim Goris from APF chaired the session on Livestock Risk Management, at which Wolfgang Bayer from CELEP member Agrecol Association (Germany) gave an overview presentation on Pastoral Risk Management. Ann Waters-Bayer from Agrecol Association and Prolinnova (Promoting Local Innovation) spoke on Food safety in informal markets for livestock products during the session on Making Markets Work.

On 9–13 November 2015, Wolfgang and Ann – on behalf of CELEP – also gave presentations on Pastoralism in sub-Saharan Africa and on the CELEP network to participants in the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) workshop in Isiolo, northern Kenya, on capitalising experiences in pastoralist development.

Posted on 20 November 2015 in News, Pastoralism & Marketing