On 22–24 April, the CELEP core group of eight people from Europe and Eastern Africa met in Brussels to work further on issues defined in the action plan formulated during the annual meeting in Rome six months before. The group mapped the outreach of the CELEP network and decided to produce an updated CELEP who’s-who document, based on a survey of members, and an Excel file with contact details. Some contacts were identified to expand the network into other countries in Eastern Africa and the Horn, e.g. Sudan.
The group then reviewed lobbying activities carried out by CELEP in Brussels and Eastern Africa, and had a very interesting discussion with Roberto Aparicio Martin, European Commission policy officer for rural development, including pastoralism. This gave some insights for developing future activities for policy dialogue in European Union institutions. The CELEP action plan was updated accordingly.
Presentations made during meeting and a report on the meeting can be found in the attached files:
CELEP activities in EA up to April 2014
CELEP focal point activities up to April 2014
CELEP updated action plan 2013-14
CELEP updated action plan next 6 months
CELEP core group meeting report April 2014
Posted on 27 May 2014 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism, Policy & Power