CapEx on supporting pastoral development in Africa

In 2015, the Pastoralism subgroup of the Agriculture and Food Security Network of SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) worked through a process of “Capitalisation of Experiences in Supporting Pastoral Development – Addressing Vulnerabilities of Pastoralist Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa”. The final products of this CapEx process included nine briefs written by SDC Programme Officers (see below), a multimedia story, a report on the final workshop in Isiolo, Kenya, and a blog on the process of joint learning by the SDC Programme Officers.

The nine briefs include three focused primarily on Kenya – i) Access to rural advisory services to improve pastoral systems, ii) Livestock insurance for risk management, and iii) Promising practices in supporting management of water resources in pastoral areas – and one brief focused primarily on Ethiopia: Alternative livelihoods for former pastoralists in rural settings. Another brief on Additional issues to address in supporting pastoral development in sub-Saharan Africa includes several issues relevant for pastoralism in Eastern Africa. The other briefs were focused on West Africa.

Posted on 22 March 2016 in Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism & Services, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition