CELEP 2012 annual meeting in Brussels, Belgium

The 2012 annual general meeting of CELEP was held on 3-5 October 2012 at the Hôtel du Congrès in Brussels, hosted by VSF Belgium. The 20 participants included 12 from member organisations in Europe and 8 from partner organisations in eastern Africa. VSF-Belgium was elected as the new CELEP Focal Point and thanked Cordaid for its excellent work as Focal Point over the last three years. The new Core Team (2012-13) consists of  Concern Worldwide (Ireland), Cordaid (Netherlands), IIED (UK), PENHA (UK), RECONCILE (Kenya), Pastoral Forum Ethiopia and VSF-Belgium. More information about the discussions, decisions and pledges of CELEP members can be found in the Minutes of CELEP annual meeting 2012 and/or by contacting Koen van Troos, Education Officer, VSF-Belgium (k.vantroos@vsf-belgium.org).

Posted on 7 June 2012 in CELEP Documents, News