Articles (page 2)
Newsletters of Maasai International Solidarity Alliance (MISA)
UN declared IYRP in 2026 !
On 15 March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2026 the International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP). This final approval is the culmination of an IYRP movement that grew over several years to become a global coalition of over 300 pastoralist and supporting organisations. CELEP – through its member organisation Agrecol Association […]
Pastoralism is the future – animated video
Man-made climate change is creating conditions on our planet that are increasingly characterised by variability and unpredictability. Pastoralists use variability to their advantage. Their production systems guide us to a sustainable future. Find out how they do it in this 2:23-min animated video: This video film was created by Cartoonbase and realised by CELEP […]
Pastoralism & protected areas
The Global Alliance for the International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP) – specifically, the IYRP Working Group on Ranglands & Biodiversity – prepared a position paper “Pastoralism and protected areas” for the 16th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP16) in December 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Specific […]
Pastoralism & rangelands: people & institutions – glossary
CELEP’s understanding of pastoralism
In 2020–21, initially the CELEP core group and then other CELEP members and partners engaged in intensive discussion to come to a common understanding of pastoralism. This discussion was based on the pastoral development orientation framework that Saverio Krätli developed for MISEREOR. In the 3-pager entitled “Pastoralists turn variability into food”, CELEP’s understanding of pastoralism […]
Pastoral, national & international approaches to humanitarian action
Resilience is an inherent component of pastoral systems but must be adequately supported through effective national and international policies and programmes. However, evidence provided by pastoralists and organisations working with them suggests that international and national humanitarian assistance is rarely provided in ways that are truly helpful for pastoralist communities to protect their livelihoods. The […]
Community conservancies impact herders’ adaptation to climate change
The establishment of numerous community-based conservancies in northern Kenya has brought about radical changes in the use of, access to and ownership of land. Research outlined in the policy brief “The impact of community-based conservation on pastoralists’ climate change adaptation” (2023, 4pp) by Jackson Wachira et al, revealed that community-based conservation aggravated pastoralists’ vulnerability to […]