Valuing pastoralism: Total Economic Valuation studies

The substantial value of pastoral systems remains largely invisible to local, national and regional calculations of economic performance (e.g. the construction of GDP). Official data continue to be used even when their reliability is known to be poor. A complementary framework in cost-benefit analysis, known as Total Economic Valuation (TEV), is increasingly being used by NGOs and regional bodies to help put onto the map the many aspects of economic value contributed by pastoral systems– contributions that are presently not counted. This 49-page IIED Issue Paper “If not counted does not count? A programmatic reflection on methodology options and gaps in Total Economic Valuation studies of pastoral systems” (2014) by Saverio Krätli provides a practical tool for those interested in carrying out work on the TEV of pastoralism.

Posted on 29 August 2014 in Value of Pastoralism